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Venus is a nice treat for the new skin of Forward PlayGround. A smooth Swing set with some old school, jazzy, funky stuff. Another combination of all time hits. I hope you enjoy listening to it and bring back your valuable feedbacks.
Colourful combination of nu-disco and soulful house. For easing of the soul and getting away from it all. The mix supports the assertion of personal uniqueness and big ideas. Also suitable to get away into the nature and to be around beauty...
This set is completed in a different manner then the previous sets. It's a fluent mix of different styles so that you don’t get caught up in a single mode. That’s why I put some deep, jazzy, funky, disco tunes together with each peace 3 minutes approx
Caution: Beware of "Un-break my deck"! It is mesmerizing, provocative, seductive, and uncontrollably danceable. In fact you will not be able to stand still when listening to Un-break my deck. Shamelessly put together by Tufan with a complete lack of mercy. Your limbs will disobey you. If you know what I mean.
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Transmission of Light: The Pituitary Dimensional Attunement
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For those who are not familiar with Tom Kanyon and Hathors, please find below an overview on them and the connection between, based on Tom’s own writings before you start to the article. You can also find information on Tom’s official website at

 About Tom Kenyon:

Tom’s life studies and many lifetimes of remembrances, complete with background knowledge and experience allow him to move with equal facility between Tibetan Buddhism, Egyptian High Alchemy, Taoism and Hinduism and the sciences relative to each. A workshop or teaching experience with him leaves you empowered with a vast body of knowledge suffused with tones that awaken all the physical centers, thus allowing for greater understanding of the words and Spirit imparted.

Tom teaches in Intensive formats throughout the world. Because of his immense field of personal knowledge — from the sciences to spirituality — each Intensive is imbued with knowledge relative to the subject matter and overlaid with the sacred sounds he creates. In other words, if you don’t fully get the transmission from the words, you can’t escape the truth of it when the sounds are projected from his voice toward you.

Each Intensive has a particular Intention or theme. Some come from Tibetan energy practices, some evolve out of Tom weaving many modalities into a more Western approach to esoterica. No two Intensives are ever the same as they combine information drawn out by the consciousness of the group and tones, specific mantras and tone meditations, brought through specifically for the group present. If you are drawn to be present, that is because your consciousness in the room affects the presentation and your body can literally feel the potential benefit.

Who are the Hathors (by Tom’s writing):

The Hathors say that they are a group of interdimensional, intergalactic beings who were connected ancient Egypt through the Temples of the Goddess Hathor, as well as several other pre-history cultures.In the late 1980′s, I was “contacted” by them during meditation, and they began to instruct me in the vibratory nature of the cosmos, the use of sacred geometry as a means to stimulate brain performance, and in the use of sound to activate psycho-spiritual experiences. While I was intrigued with the information, I was, at the time, uncomfortable with their self-described origins. I was, after all a practicing psychotherapist and involved in brain research at the time. In short, I was a rationalist. And these beings—whoever they were and wherever they came from—did not fit into my views of reality at the time.

In the nearly twenty years since first-contact, I have tried and tested their “inner technologies” many times, and have always found both their methods and their perspectives illuminating.

While the Hathors do offer information in the form of language, their primary mode of communication is through catalytic sound patterns. These sounds are “channeled” through my voice during “sound meditations,” which I often offer during workshops and retreats. I personally find it interesting that my vocal range has expanded (along with my mind, I might add) in the years that I have been working with them. When I started, I had a range of nearly three octaves; now it is just shy of four. This extended vocal range only occurs when I am actually channeling sound from other dimensions.

In the Hathor Material, a book I co-authored with Virginia Essene, here is how they introduced themselves:

We are the Hathors. We come in love and with the sounding of a new dream reality for your earth. If you are ready to build the new world, we invite you to join us on a journey of the mind and heart. We are your elder brothers and sisters. We have been with you for a very long period of your evolution on this planet. We were with you in eons past – even in the forgotten days before any trace of us is known in your present written history. Our own nature is energetic and interdimensional. We originally came from another universe by way of Sirius which is a portal to your Universe, and from Sirius we eventually proceeded to your solar system and the etheric realms of Venus.

In the past we have specifically worked with and through the Hator fertility goddess of ancient Egypt. We also made contact with Tibetan lamas in the formative period of Tibetan Buddhism. Although we have interacted with some of Earth’s early cultures, we are an intergalactic civilization with outposts that span parts of your known Universe and beyond.

We are what you might term an ascended civilization – a group of beings existing at a specific vibratory field, even as you have an energy signature. It is simply that we vibrate at a faster rate than you. Nonetheless, we are all part of the mystery, part of the love that holds and binds all the universe together.

We have grown as you have grown, ascending to the One Source of all that is. We have grown in joy and through sorrow, as have you. We are, in terms of the vastness, a little higher on the spiral of awareness and consciousness than you are; therefore, we can offer you what we have learned as friends, mentors and fellow travelers on the path that leads back to remembrance of All That Is.

We are not saviors; we’re not messianic. We want to clearly step out of that projection so that the reader understands that we are simply elder brothers and sisters offering our understanding and what we have learned. You may take it or leave it but we offer it freely. In our understanding, the belief that different alien intelligences are going to save you, is just a projection of human unconsciousness. The hope that someone or something will save you, that you will not have to make any changes in yourself, that you will not have to be responsible, is unrealistic.

The belief that you can stay in patterns of lethargy and unconsciousness, then take something or have something given to you that will transform you without any effort on your part, is sheer folly. It won’t happen. Now, there may be alien intelligences that land, for they certainly exist, but those humans who count on others to bring in their ascension and elevation without any work on their part, are going to be very disappointed.

Ascension is a process of self-awareness and mastery on all levels and it necessitates bringing all those levels of one’s existence upward. That is how we see it and that is how we have done it for millennia.

By offering our aid, however, we do not wish to interfere with your other spiritual helpers and cosmic relationships in any way, nor with any religious beliefs, affiliations or organizations of help to you. Even so, there is a great deal we would like to share.

We know Sanat Kumara well for it was he who asked us to enter this Universe. As an Ascended Master, Sanat Kumara has taken on numerous responsibilities associated with the elevation of planet Earth and this solar system. He is working for the ascension, the evolution of consciousness in the solar system, as we are.

To learn more about the Hathors and their message, read The Hathor Material: Messages from an Ascended Civilization (ORB) (scroll down)

There are currently two CDs with Hathor sounds.

Infinite Pool: Entering the Holographic Brain, thirteen Hathors vocalizing through me to stimulate increased activity in the corpus callosum. A powerful tool to create altered states of mind.

Sound Transformations, a series of sound meditations from Hathor workshops.


And here is the article. You can also find the original article here.

Transmission of Light: The Pituitary Dimensional Attunement

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

From our perspective the ascension process can be viewed as two converging energetic streams.

The first involves your KA body, your subtle energy body (i.e. your etheric twin or spiritual double). Any method that raises the vibratory rate of the KA is a method for ascension.

The second stream involves the physical body and the transformation of matter into light. The complete metamorphosis of matter into light is a very advanced form of ascension, and is generally only seen in highly developed Initiates.

However, the seed forms of this metamorphosis can, and do, present themselves in various stages of the ascension process.

The sound meditation we wish to share with you is a vehicle to increase the inflow of spiritual light (i.e. interdimensional light,) into your endocrine system. During the ascension process the hormones that comprise your biological sea and the inner realities of your body go through a refinement. This sound meditation is a gentle yet potent means to facilitate this upward movement.

The Meditation

We wish to share two methods for working with this Attunement.

The first is for beginners, those of you who are unfamiliar with the inner realms of your own consciousness. The second method is for those of you who are more advanced.

Both of these methods work quite well. Recognize where you are in your own development and choose accordingly.

The First Method

In this approach you simply place your focused attention in the area of your pituitary gland, the master regulator of your endocrine system. As with all of the previous Dimensional Attunements we have given, the sounds you will hear are analogs of fluctuations in the light realms, and they will create a movement of energies in the pituitary, so long as you hold your attention in the general area of the pituitary gland. This area is located approximately one inch (or 2cm) behind the bridge of the nose.

This general area is all that you need to focus on. It is not necessary to be exact. Simply resting your awareness in the area will accomplish the task. The operative word here is “rest” your awareness. This is not concentration. You simply rest your attention in the area of the pituitary gland and allow the sounds you hear to affect the area. When your mind wanders, simply bring it back to focused attention on the pituitary.

The Second Method

For those of you more familiar with your inner realms, we suggest you imagine that the area of your pituitary gland is a white lotus flower floating on a still and infinite body of pure water. This mental impression shifts your brain/mind into a highly receptive state and generates a quality of consciousness that is very helpful to this particular type of transformational work. We suggest the white lotus because all colors and all frequencies are held within it. You can imagine this lotus as a partially or fully opened blossom, or if you prefer, you can imagine it as a closed bud.

Hold the mental impression of this white lotus in the area of your pituitary gland, and as with the first method, when your mind wanders, bring it back to the lotus and the area of your pituitary.

Whether you use the first method or the second, the catalytic sounds will cause a movement of subtle energies within the pituitary creating a cascade of energetic effects throughout all of the glands that comprise your endocrine system. As you continue to experience this Attunement, you will become more familiar with its subtle and potent effects.

We suggest that before you begin, you spend a few moments separating yourself from the concerns of your daily life. Draw a line between this short meditation and the rest of your life. The meditation is approximately five minutes long, and after you are done listening to it, we suggest you spend a few moments in silence, sensing the area of your pituitary. If you are energetically sensitive and aware, you can feel the subtle effects in all of your glands.

As we said previously, this Attunement is subtle, yet potent. And this odd paradox is based upon an intricate relationship between matter and energy.

As you move into the more subtle levels of matter (i.e. sub-atomic particles) there is more potential energy. Likewise, as you move into the more subtle levels of your own consciousness there is also an increase in energy (i.e. the powers of consciousness).

The patterns that comprise this Attunement are precise and they form complex relationships in the subtle realms of consciousness.

Do not be deceived by its simplicity. This Attunement is a potent transformer of consciousness.

We therefore suggest that you experiment and find your own comfort zone with this particular Attunement.

When you generate an increase of light-flows within the pituitary gland and the endocrine system, you release a potent and powerful purification. Each of you has your own comfort zone in this.

For some of you, listening to the Attunement once a day will be all you can comfortably handle. Others may feel drawn to listen to it multiple times.

As you proceed to listen to this Attunement on a regular basis, you will find your energetic nesting or comfort zone expanding, and you will be able to listen to it multiple times. But the guiding principle is your comfort zone.

If you listen to this Attunement too often for your own energetic reality, you will know that you have crossed the line. You will recognize that you are releasing more energies within you than you are comfortable dealing with. The simple fact is that as the glands comprising your endocrine system receive fluctuations of light, via the pituitary gland, they release inhibiting patterns of energy and consciousness.

The only guideline here is to proceed in a manner that is comfortable to you. Those of you who are more warrior-like in your nature can push the river, so to speak. But do realize that you are greatly accelerating the energetic transformation of your endocrine system. And if your perception, your thoughts and feelings, speed up too much, then slow down. Listen to the Attunement less often and find your comfort zone.

We are releasing this Pituitary Dimensional Attunement at a propitious and precarious time in the ascent of human consciousness.  We do so with the hopes that it will assist you to reclaim your sovereign will as co-creators.  It is also our view that this particular Attunement will serve you as a transformational tool for many years into your future.

Of all the Dimensional Attunements we have given, this one is our most treasured.

During its creation, this Attunement was birthed from, and infused with, transformational energies from the 5th through the 12th dimensions of our interdimensional reality.

By its very nature, this Attunement carries a subtle yet potent evolutionary energy. Many of you will use this Attunement to more clearly see the mystery of how you co-create your realities. And as the veils that separate physical reality from subtle realities part, you will awaken to a new vision of yourself, as well as a new understanding of your place in the cosmos.

The Hathors

September 27, 2011


Tom's Thoughts and Observations

It is best if you listen to this particular Attunement with stereo headphones. This is due to the fact that the stereo sound patterns of this audio recoding create complex moving vortices of subtle energy. And these vortices rotate and spin wherever you place your focus of attention.  If you choose to listen to the Attunement without stereo headphones, it would help to separate your left and right speakers so that you get more of the stereo effect.

Do not listen to this Attunement while driving a car or in situations requiring your full attention.

I have worked with the Attunement using both the first and more advanced method the Hathors mentioned. And as they said, both methods work quite well.

These methods are self-explanatory, except for one detail regarding the white lotus method. When you imagine “a white lotus flower floating on a still and infinite body of pure water,” imagine the lotus and the body of water in those ways that feel comfortable to you.  In other words, this is not a visualization exercise. If you tend to visualize things in your mind’s eye, then you might very well have a visual impression of the lotus and the water. But if you don’t tend to visualize things, then you will experience the lotus and the water in the sensory modality you are most comfortable with.

I can personally attest to the subtle potency of this Attunement. And based upon my own personal experience with it, I agree with the Hathors’ repeated suggestion to find our comfort zones. This little sound piece can, indeed, generate a subtle energetic purification.

My impression, having worked with this Attunement for a while, is that it unquestionably generates moving vortices of subtle energy in my pituitary gland. And from here, these subtle energies spontaneously move throughout my endocrine system.

The Attunement generally has a calming, nurturing and deeply restorative quality. But if I listen to it for too long, it creates a purification action. In this case, I feel like I am on edge and irritated. This tells me that I have crossed the line out of my comfort zone, or as the Hathors say—my energetic nesting.

Whenever I listen to this Attunement, I feel as if I am opening myself to the enlivening qualities of interdimensional light.  I have also observed that these enlivening energies sometimes stir things up inside me. And when this occurs, I think of it as internal house cleaning. I don’t stop cleaning just because some “dust” is in the air.  I just pace myself.  And I strive to be patient because, after all, there are many rooms in my inner house and a lot of them are in need of cleaning.

I have found, and continue to find, this Attunement to be deeply transformative.

I also find it most fascinating to explore the interface between consciousness and matter, specifically my consciousness and the matter that comprises my body. I sense immense opportunities within this Attunement for self-exploration and self-discovery.

This Attunement is, in my opinion, an elegant and exquisite vessel for exploring some of the depths that reside within us.

And in that vein I wish you, my fellow Argonauts of the Mind, deep and rewarding journeys.

Tom Kenyon

Click here to listen to or download the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement Note: After you click on the above link, you will be taken to the Listening Agreement in the Sound Gifts section. After agreeing to the terms, you can listen to and/or download the audio file as you wish.

Those interested in the topic of energetic purification may find the following article helpful: Psycho-spiritual Detoxification

Those new to the concept of ascension may find the following Hathor Message helpful: The Art of Jumping Timelines

© 2011 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved.